
Students' Conference

Poster Students' conference

The Department of Language and Media Studies ends the semester with a highlight: a students’ conference of three seminars that takes place from 6th to 7th February at AM03. The presented topics cover questions on media and gesture studies as well as language and embodiment.

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Viadrina Center for Gesture and Multimodality Studies

Final ILS week with two stars in their fields

ILS Plakat Luguinbühl & Janzen

We are delighted to announce our final week of the International Lecture Series of the VCGMS with two exciting guest lectures: First, media linguist Prof. Dr. Martin Luginbühl (University of Basel, Switzerland) gives a lecture on „Medial shaping of war reporting: A comparison of European TV news shows covering Russia's invasion of Ukraine“ (Tue, 04 February, 6.15 p.m.). Three days later, signed language linguist Prof. Terry Janzen, PhD (University of Manitoba, Canada) speaks about „When the past is in front of you: Revisiting past spaces in American Sign Language“ (Fri, 07 February, 4.15 p.m).

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Viadrina Center for Gesture and Multimodality Studies

The role of gestures in language and discourse

ILS Sandra Debreslioska during her talk

As part of the International Lecture Series, Sandra Debreslioska, PhD (Lund University, Sweden) delivered an inspiring talk titled "Language, gestures and discourse: Insights from studies on German and German Sign Language“, exploring the role that discourse-pragmatic principles play for the incidence of gestures.

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