Jana Katharina Junge

Heide Fest
Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences (Kuwi)
Jana Katharina Junge studied BA Cultural Studies with a focus on Linguistics and Literature at the European University Viadrina and Manchester Metropolitan University and completed the MA Language - Media - Society at the European University.
In addition to her studies, she worked as a student assistant and then as a research assistant as well as a tutor at the Chair of Language Use and Multimodal Communication. Furthermore, she supported the DFG project BEETHOVEN Classic 3 of the Polish-German Funding Initiative "Multimodal Stancetaking: Expressive Movement and Affective Stance. Political Debates in the German Bundestag and the Polish Sejm" under the direction of Prof. Dr. Cornelia Müller (EUV, Frankfurt Oder) and Prof. Dr. Maciej Karpinski (AMU, Poznan)
Since 2023 she has been working as academic staff at the Chair of Language Use and Multimodal Communication of Prof. Cornelia Müller.
Next office hour: upon request
Appointment via junge@europa-uni.de
- Theory of affectivity, expressivity and embodied perception
- Phenomenological perspectives on language and media
- Analysis of multimodal and multimedial affect dynamics and meaning-making in
- Face-to-Face communication
- audiovisual Media
- Multimodal and audiovisual metaphors
M.A. Language - Medie - Society, EUV Frankfurt (Oder)
Modules: Multimodality, Discourse, Media & Language and Media in Transformation
Master Thesis: Affekte und wie sie mobilisiert wedern: Oder warum die Frage nach der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung audiovisuell mediatisierter Reden eine Frage nach den Affekten ist.
Erasmus semester abroad: Manchester Metropolitan University
Modules: Linguistics and Literature
B.A. Social and Cultural Studies, EUV Frankfurt (Oder)
Specialisation: Cultural Sciences, Linguistics and Literature
BA Thesis: Was ist Sprache? Trabant zwischen Universalismus und Relativismus.
Academic Research Assistant at Chair for Laguage Use and Multimodal Communication (Prof. Dr. Cornelia Müller, EUV Frankfurt (Oder))
Student Assistant at Chair for Language Use and Multimodal Communication (Prof. Dr. Cornelia Müller, EUV Frankfurt (Oder))
Student Assistant at Chair for Language Use and Multimodal Communication (Prof. Dr. Cornelia Müller, EUV Frankfurt (Oder))
Workshop (with Teresa Weigand): "Von Kopf bis Fuß - Multimodal mehr Verstehen" auf der Tagung: Die Zukunft der Hochschullehre mit "Critical Friends"
Participation at the DFG-Project BEETHOVEN Classic 3 der Polish-German Funding Initiative "Multimodal Stancetaking: Expressive Movement and Affective Stance. Political Debates in the German Bundestag and the Polish Sejm"; Directors: Prof. Dr. Cornelia Müller (EUV, Frankfurt Oder), Prof. Dr. Maciej Karpinski (AMU, Posen)
Assisting Organizer of the 2. ZeM Spring Lecture "Gesture Aesthetics: Exploring Movement in Conversation, Film and Digital Arts" in Frankfurt (Oder), funded by Brandenburgisches Zentrum für Medienwissenschaften (ZeM)
Tutor (Tutorium zur Einführung in die Kulturwissenschaften (BA)) at Chair for Language Use and Multimodal Communication (Prof. Dr. Cornelia Müller, EUV Frankfurt (Oder))
Auditorium Maximum (AM)Logenstraße 4
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
- AM 122