Lehre an der Professur für Vergleichende Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie

Aktuelle Lehrveranstaltungen für das Sommersemester 2024

Die Seminarunterlagen, -beschreibungen und -ankündigungen finden Sie in Moodle.

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Module: Seminar (Präsenzveranstaltung): MASS: Forschungsmodul // MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Migration, Ethnizität, Ethnozentrismus // MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Gender Studies und Queer Theory // SMG: Forschungsmodul // SMG: Wahlpflichtmodul: Multimodalität, Diskurs und Medien

3/6/9 ECTS

Veranstaltungsbeginn: 09.04.2024 Di, 11 - 13 Uhr, Ort: HG 217

This seminar provides an in-depth exploration of digital manospheres, examining the discourses, practices, and hierarchies within online spaces that predominantly engage with issues related to masculinity. Through an intersectional lens, students will critically analyze the various dimensions of digital manospheres, including their historical roots, cultural manifestations, and implications for contemporary society. The course will encompass theoretical frameworks, case studies, and hands-on research examining linguistic and/or sociological aspects of digital manospheres.

Literatur: A reader will be provided in Moodle towards the beginning of the lecture period.

Hinweise zur Veranstaltung: The presentation of the first research results will - deviating from the normal seminar date on Tuesdays - take place on Wednesday, July 10 from 4:15 to 5:45 p.m. in the Research Factory of the Center B/Orders in Motion.

Leistungsnachweise: 3 ECTS - Annotated Bibliography, academic contextualization of research question and short description of literatures' relevance (5-6 pages). 6 ECTS - Presentation in the B/Orders Research Factory, Research Paper (10-12 pages). 9 ECTS – Presentation in the B/Orders Research Factory, Research Paper (15-20 pages).

Sprache: Englisch

Module: Kolloquium (Präsenzveranstaltung): MASS: Forschungsmodul

BA Cuso: 3 ECTS / MA: 3/6/9 ECTS

Veranstaltungsbeginn: 09.04.2024 Di, 14 - 16 Uhr, Ort: AM 203

In diesem Kolloquium werden wir anfangs die Entwicklung einer wissenschaftlichen Fragestellung sowie den Aufbau eines Exposés adressieren, bevor wir auch abhängig von den Bedürfnissen der Studierenden und Stand der jeweiligen Projekte über Inhalte, ethische Fragen und Methodenfragen sprechen. Im weiteren Verlauf stellen Studierende ihre Projekte bzw. Ideen für die Abschlussarbeit in Referaten vor, die insbesondere auf die noch offenen Fragen und Problemstellungen eingehen, die mit dem eigenen Projekt aktuell verbunden sind. Wir besprechen und planen die genauen Inhalte der Veranstaltung in der ersten Sitzung, um bestmöglich auf die Bedürfnisse der Teilnehmenden eingehen zu können.

Teilnahmevoraussetzungen: Diese Veranstaltung richtet sich an BA CUSO und MA Studierende in der Abschlussphase ihres Studiums, die bereits mindestens das Themenfeld ihrer Abschlussarbeit benennen können. Dieses Kolloquium macht nur für Studierende Sinn, die sich mit ihrer Abschlussarbeit methodisch im Spektrum der Sozialwissenschaften verorten. Trotz der breiten Öffnung für Studiengänge der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät sind Abschlussprojekte, die methodisch eher historisch, literaturwissenschaftlich oder linguistisch angelegt sind, hier nicht mit abgedeckt. Bitte gehen Sie stattdessen in die entsprechenden Kolloquien der fachlich einschlägigen Kolleg*innen.

Leistungsnachweise: Mündliche Vorstellung der eigenen Überlegungen zur Abschlussarbeit, regelmäßige aktive Teilnahme, Einreichung eines schriftlichen Exposés. Länge abhängig von den zu erreichenden ECTS Punkten. Das Exposé bildet die Grundlage für die Benotung.

Sprache: Deutsch

Module: Seminar (Präsenzveranstaltung): Kulturwissenschaften: Einführung // Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaften: Einführung

BA Kuwi: 6 ECTS | BA CuSo: 6/9 ECTS

Veranstaltungsbeginn: 05.06.-17.07.2024 Mi, 9:15 - 12:45 Uhr, Ort: GD 311

This seminar offers an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of Queer Studies from anthropological and sociological perspectives. Starting from the historical and cultural transformation of sexual identities and sexual politics, we examine their development in the context of European imperial and nation-state-centered modernities. We also address the emergence of social movements focused on non-normative sexual and gender identities, and the deconstruction of gender-binarisms and sexuality in the context of queer academic critiques. Intersectional perspectives relating to the intersection of sexuality and gender with hierarchies of class, ‘race’ and ethnicity will be relevant throughout, and situated both historically as well as geopolitically.

Hinweise zur Veranstaltung: Presence: Students are requested to attend to classes in order to get graded. More than one absence will automatically lower your final grade after your point total is calculated, unless you can document that all the absences are related to an illness and/or official university event. For each additional absence your final grade will be lowered by 1/3 (a B becomes a B-, etc.). Late arrival and early departure will not be tolerated. Policy on Academic Integrity. Students who violate University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including failure in the course and/or dismissal from the University. Since such dishonesty harms the individual, all students, and the integrity of the University, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. Your writing must be your own work. If you plagiarize egregiously on an assignment, you will fail the course. Simple rule of thumb: "If you use words or ideas that are not your own you must cite your sources. Otherwise you will be guilty of plagiarism."

Leistungsnachweise: Response Papers: You will submit five one-page response papers (400-500 words each) for different sessions, answering the questions listed in the syllabus for the respective mandatory readings. You need to submit these papers by a Friday noon deadline BEFORE the respective session in which we discuss the readings. Students aiming for 6 ECTS credits thus need to submit five times with 5 pages in total. Students aiming for 9 ECTS need to fulfill the requirements for 6 ECTS, plus take the final written exam in the last week of classes (90 minutes, last half of the final session, hand-written). Let the instructor know well ahead of time if you have any special needs regarding the written exam (i.e. dyslexia). For 6 ECTS: Response papers (5): 60 % / Participation/Engagement: 40 % | For 9 ECTS: Response papers (5): 40 % / Final written exam: 30% / Participation & Engagement: 30 %

Sprache: Englisch

Module: Seminar (Präsenzveranstaltung): MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Migration, Ethnizität, Ethnozentrismus

3/6/9 ECTS

Veranstaltungsbeginn: 10.04.2024 Mi, 11:15 - 12:45 Uhr, Ort: GD 302

The seminar welcome students interested in the scientific study of conspiracy theories, and the historical and contemporary instances where conspiracy theories were articulated through racial characterizations. The seminar is structured to cover four arenas and major themes in the study of conspiracy theories: a) conceptual and theoretical approaches to conspiracy theories; b)a brief historical account of conspiracy theories; c)conspiracy theories and antisemitism, and d)conspiracy theories on the great replacement.

Literatur: Popper, K. R. (2011). The open society and its enemies. Routledge Classics. Cassam, Q. (2019). Conspiracy Theories. Polity press. Butter, M. (2020). The Nature of Conspiracy Theories. Polity press. Butter, M., & Knight, P. (2018). The history of conspiracy theory research: A review and commentary. In J. E. Uscinski (Ed.), Conspiracy Theories and the People Who Believe them (pp. 33–46). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190844073.003.0002 Robertson, D. G., Asprem, E., & Dyrendal, A. (2018). Introducing the Field: Conspiracy Theory in, about, and as Religion. In A. Dyrendal, D. G. Robertson, & E. Asprem (Eds.),Handbook of Conspiracy Theory and Contemporary Religion (pp. 1–20). Brill. Soyer, F. (2019). Antisemitic Conspiracy Theories in the Early Modern Iberian World. Brill. Soyer, F. (2016). The recycling of an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory into an anti-Morisco one in Early Modern Spain: the myth of El Vengador, the serial-killer doctor. EHumanista/Conversos. Journal of Iberian Studies, 4, 233–255. Cohn, N. (1996). Warrant for Genocide. The Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Serif. de Michelis, C. (2004). The Non-Existent Manuscript, A study of the Protocols of the Sages of Zion. University of Nebraska Press. Carr, M. (2006). You are now entering Eurabia. Race & Class, 48(1), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1177/0306396806066636 Zia-Ebrahimi, R. (2018). When the Elders of Zion relocated to Eurabia: Conspiratorial racialization in antisemitism and Islamophobia. Patterns of Prejudice, 52(4), 314–337. https://doi.org/10.1080/0031322X.2018.1493876 Feola, M. (2020). “You Will Not Replace Us”: The Melancholic Nationalism of Whiteness: Https://Doi.Org/10.1177/0090591720972745. Bracke, S., & Hernandez Aguilar, L. M. (2023.). The Politics of Replacement: Demographic Fears, Conspiracy Theories, and Race Wars (S. Bracke & L. M. Hernandez Aguilar, Eds.). Routledge.

Teilnahmevoraussetzungen: Each session is structured around one or two compulsory readings. Before each session students are required to read the mandatory texts and write a half page reflection on the texts, The reflections will serve to organize discussions in class. There are additional readings for each session, these are not mandatory, but can serve to further interrogate issues of the session, and as additional readings for the final essay. Furthermore, during the seminar, students will present the topic of the session, followed by a group discussion. The presentations should comprise groups of 1, 2 or 3 students (depending on group size) addressing and engaging with all of the texts of the session, everyone in the presenting team should prepare and present the main ideas of the texts, while critically engaging with the content.

Leistungsnachweise: 3 ECTS: regelmäßige aktive Mitarbeit, Übernahme eines Referats. / 6 ECTS: wie für 3, zusätzlich Hausarbeit von 12 Seiten Gesamtumfang. / 9 ECTS: wie für 3 zusätzlich Hausarbeit von 25 Seiten

Sprache: Englisch

Module: Seminar (Präsenzveranstaltung): MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Gender Studies und Queer Theory

6/9 ECTS

Veranstaltungsbeginn: 09.04.2024 Di, 11:15 - 12:45 Uhr, Ort: GD 302

The BA Seminar History of feminist thought welcomes students interested in learning on core social scientific strands of theories of women’s and gender studies by exploring and analyzing key texts of feminist knowledge production ranging from liberal feminism, Marxist feminism, black feminism, postcolonial and decolonial feminism as well as post secular and ecofeminism. The seminar is designed to provide and discuss knowledge of social movement research (feminist movement) and of gender studies’ connectivity with humanistic, cultural and social scientific as well as economic disciplines.

Literatur: de Gouges, Olympe (1791): The Declaration of the Rights of Women, in: John Cole (2011): Between the Queen and the Cabby, Montreal & Kingston [u.a.]: McGill-Queen’s University Press, p.28-41. Wollstonecraft, Mary (1792): Vindication of the Rights of Women, in: Tomaselli, Sylvana (ed.) (1995): A Vindication of the Rights of Men and A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 79-125. Zetkin, Clara (1896). Only in Conjunction With the Proletarian Woman Will Socialism Be Victorious, Speech at the Party Congress of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, Gotha, October 16th, Berlin. Goldman, Emma (1910). The Traffic in Women, in: ibid., Anarchism and Other Essays, 72-78. De Beauvoir, Simone (1949). Introduction, in: ibid., The Second Sex, Lorde, Audre (1984). “Age, Race, Class and Sex: Women Redefining Difference”, in: ibid., Sister Outsider, Los Angeles, 114-123. Hill Collins, Patricia (1989). “Toward a New Vision: Race, Class, and Gender as Categories of Analysis and Connection, Memphis, 1-28. Mohanty, Chandra Talpade (2003). Under Western Eyes Revisited: Feminist Solidarity through Anticapitalist Struggles, in: ibid., Feminism Without Borders. Decolonizing Theory, Practicing Solidarity, Durham, 221-251. Anzaldua, Gloria (1987). Borderlands. La Frontera. The New Mestiza, San Francisco, 23-45. Mahmood, Saba (2006). Secularism, Hermeneutics, and Empire: The Politics of Islamic Reformation, in: Public Culture, 18:2, 323-347. Shiva, Vandana/Mies, Maria ([1993] 2014). “Foreword”, “Preface” and “Introduction”, in: ibid. (eds.). Ecofeminism, London/New York. Donna Haraway (2000). “Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century,” in: Bell, David/Kennedy, Barbara M. (eds.). The Cybercultures Reader, London/New York, 291- 323. Harding, Sandra (1993). Rethinking Standpoint Epistemology. What is “Strong Objectivity”, in: Alcoff, Linda/Potter, Elizabeth (eds.). Feminist Epistemologies, London/New York, 49-82.

Teilnahmevoraussetzungen: Methods: During the seminar, students will present the topic of the session, followed by a group discussion. The presentations should comprise groups of 2 or 3 students addressing and engaging with all of the texts of the session, everyone should prepare and present the main ideas of the texts, while critically engaging with the content.

Sprache: Englisch

Module: Seminar (Präsenzveranstaltung): MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Migration, Ethnizität, Ethnozentrismus // MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Kulturelle Praktiken, Wissensordnungen, ästhetische Formationen

3/6/9 ECTS

Veranstaltungsbeginn: 09.04.2024 Di, 11:15 - 12:45 Uhr, Ort: GD 202

This seminar focuses on cultural, artistic and activist practices, forms, and mediums that emerge through various migration experiences and examines them within the broader emergent frameworks of living with and acting on troubled times, which characterize our contemporary cultural, social, and political horizons. How do people build lives after displacement? How do cultural practices of migrants open up possibilities for resilience, care, and hope, and inspire a politics of affinity? What can we learn from creative cultures that emerge through displacement experiences, if we do not subsume them within supposed ethnic, migrant, or diasporic communities or confine them to a distinct sphere of ‘migrant’ culture? In this seminar, we will explore unbounded, complex, fluid, and plural cultural spheres that are created through diverse forms of migration. We will critically address a range of concepts and debates that are significant to the study of migration, diaspora and exile including belonging, transnationalism, translocality, cosmopolitanism, multiculturalism, diversity, and postmigrant society as well as the key concepts of culture, place, identity, and mobility. We will discuss artistic, intellectual and more everyday forms of expression and creativity across diverse mediums such as art, film, music, performance, digital media, photography and everyday aesthetics. To do so, we will draw on participatory, artistic, activist and experimental methodological approaches to migration.

Hinweise zur Veranstaltung: Readings: You are required to read the assigned articles and book chapters before classes. Readings will be provided on Moodle. Attendance and participation: You are required to attend the classes regularly and participate in class discussions by responding to the readings and providing examples. Maximum 3 unexcused absences are allowed throughout the semester. Forum discussion - Reflections on readings: Each week with assigned readings has a Forum section on Moodle with the aim of facilitating class discussion. You are required to post a short response to the readings (100-150 words) before the class: Not a summary of the readings, but rather an example, an experience, a discussion question, an idea, etc. You are also welcome to give a response to other students’ posts. The content of your posts will not be graded, but you are required to post a response to at least 5 classes.

Leistungsnachweise: Short papers (6-7 pages). You are welcome to use other mediums of knowledge production and dissemination such as art, fiction, audiovisual media, memoir, etc. For 3 ECTS: Class participation + Forum discussion + 1 short paper. For 6 ECTS: Class participation + Forum discussion + 2 short paper. For 9 ECTS: Class participation + Forum discussion + 3 short paper.

Sprache: Englisch

Module: Seminar (Präsenzveranstaltung): Kulturwissenschaften: Vertiefung // Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaften: Vertiefung

6/9 ECTS

Veranstaltungsbeginn: 09.04.2024 Di, 14:15 - 15:45 Uhr, Ort: GD 202

This course aims to explore how affects and emotions shape and are shaped by social, collective, public, and political spheres. How can we address trauma as a public feeling or loss as a collective emotion? Can depression be political? How do pain and hate bring about social closeness and distance? How can emotions and affects serve as sources for affinities, counter-publics, and political engagement? How can we conceive radical care and affective hope as political sources to deal with the pressing troubles of our time? In this course, we will address these questions and many others that open up new ways of contextualizing and researching both our emotional and affective experiences and our collective, public, and political worlds. We will largely draw on feminist and queer studies of affect, emotion and feeling, as well as sociology and anthropology of emotions, cultural studies, and media studies. We will engage with the theoretical debates on collective emotions, public feelings and political affect, and focus on particular affective states such as loss, trauma, depression, pain, hate, anger, uncertainty, anxiety, hope and hopelessness. Furthermore, we will discuss examples of artistic and literary works, popular culture, digital media spaces, and urban spaces that create, circulate and archive affects, emotions and feelings.

Hinweise zur Veranstaltung: Readings: You are required to read the assigned articles and book chapters before classes. Readings will be provided on Moodle. Attendance and participation: You are required to attend the classes regularly and participate in class discussions by responding to the readings and providing examples. Maximum 3 unexcused absences are allowed throughout the semester. Forum discussion - Reflections on readings: Each week with assigned readings has a Forum section on Moodle with the aim of facilitating class discussion. You are required to post a short response to the readings (100-150 words) before the class: Not a summary of the readings, but rather an example, an experience, a discussion question, an idea, etc. You are also welcome to give a response to other students’ posts. The content of your posts will not be graded, but you are required to post a response to at least 5 classes.

Leistungsnachweise: Essays (3-4 pages). You are welcome to use other mediums of knowledge production and dissemination such as art, fiction, audiovisual media, memoir, etc., if you are interested. For 6 ECTS: Class participation + Forum discussion + 2 essays. / For 9 ECTS: Class participation + Forum discussion + 3 essays.

Sprache: Englisch

Zurückliegende Lehrveranstaltungen

Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick
Migration in the Context of Global Inequalities

BA-Seminar Vertiefung: Difference – Migration, Gender and Diversity

Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick
Kolloquium zur Vorbereitung der Abschlussarbeit

Kolloquium: Methods, Academic Writing and Research Skills

Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick
Grenzen, Frontiers und Zeit-Raum Kompression

MA-Seminar: MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Migration, Ethnizität, Ethnozentrismus

Dr. Luis Hernández Aguilar
Introduction to qualitative research and methods (Wahlobligatorik)

BA-Seminar: Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaften: Einführung

Dr. Luis Hernández Aguilar
The instrumentalization of Gender and Sexuality in the far-right: Femonationalism, antigenderism, and racism

MA-Seminar: MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Migration, Ethnizität, Ethnozentrismus // MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Gender Studies und Queer Theory

Dr. Özlem Savaş
Cultures of Migration

BA-Seminar: Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaften: Vertiefung

Dr. Özlem Savaş
Feminist and Queer Repertoires of Resistance

MA-Seminar: SMG: Wahlpflichtmodul: Multimodalität, Diskurs und Medien // MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Kulturelle Praktiken, Wissensordnungen, ästhetische Formationen // MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Gender Studies und Queer Theory

Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick
Kolloquium für Abschlussarbeiten

Kolloquium: MASS: Forschungsmodul

Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick
Introduction to Queer Studies

BA-Seminar: Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaften: Vertiefung

Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick
Sexualität und Rassismus

MA-Seminar, MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Gender Studies und Queer Theory

Dr. Özlem Savaş
Affect/Emotion in Culture and Politics

MA-Seminar: SMG: Wahlpflichtmodul: Multimodalität, Diskurs und Medien // MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Kulturelle Praktiken, Wissensordnungen, ästhetische Formationen // MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Gender Studies und Queer Theory

Dr. Luis Manuel Hernández Aguilar
Antisemitism and Islamophobia: Shared histories and divergent articulations

BA-Seminar: Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaften – Vertiefung

Dr. Luis Manuel Hernández Aguilar
Race and racism: historical trajectories, conceptual approaches, and recent developments

MA-Seminar: MASS: Migration, Ethnizität, Ethnozentrismus

Dr. Darja Klingenberg
Erinnerungspolitik in der Migrationsgesellschaft

BA-Seminar: Kulturwissenschaften - Vertiefung // Vergleichende Sozialwissenschaften - Vertiefung

Dr. Darja Klingenberg/Dr. Stephan Lanz
Spurensuche: Jüdische und andere Berliner*innen in der Spandauer Vorstadt.
Teil 1: Migrationswissenschaftliche Perspektiven und Teil 2: Urban Studies Perspektiven

MA-Seminar: MASS: Forschungsmodul // MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Migration, Ethnizität, Ethnozentrismus // MASS: Wahlpflichtmodul: Urban Studies


Hinweise zu Seminararbeiten

Hier finden Sie die formalen Anforderungen für die schriftlichen Abgaben an der Professur von Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick.

Die Eigenständigkeitserklärung bitte unbedingt jeder schriftlichen Arbeit beifügen!

Hier finden Sie Empfehlungen und formale Richtlinien für die Abgaben an der Professur von Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick.

Die großen Fragen zu Abschlussarbeiten an der Professur von Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick.

Hier erhalten Sie einen Leitfaden für ein Exposé für Abschlussarbeiten (empirische qualitative Forschung, Beispiel aus der Kulturanthropologie Goethe Uni Frankfurt).