



Aufsätze und Buchbeiträge

  • (in Vorb.) " ‘du redest schon mit der Pumpe und sagst - was ist denn?‘. Aushandlungen interaktiver Möglichkeitsräume zwischen Mensch und Maschine im Diabetesmanagement". In: Rita Vallentin / Dorothea Horst (Hrsgg.): Sprache entgrenzen. Beiträge zu einer kulturwissenschaftlichen Linguistik. Bielefeld: transcript. 
  • (2023) "Erste Ergebnisse einer Interviewstudie zu Selbstwahrnehmung von Menschen mit Typ-1-Diabetes", Diabetes Congress Report (2), S. 22-26.
  • (2023) "Pragmatic functions of humor in Berlin’s directive Covid-19 Signs". Pragmatics and Society 14:2, Special Issue The interpersonal functions of public signs during the Covid-19 pandemic edited by Eva Ogiermann, pp. 234–256.
  • (2022) "Language Contact in the Triad of Language - Belonging - Politics". In Konstanze Jungbluth / Mônica Savedra / Rita Vallentin (eds.): Language.Belonging.Politics. Impacts for a Future of Complex Diversities. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 13–34.
  • (2022) "Introduction". In Konstanze Jungbluth / Mônica Savedra / Rita Vallentin (eds.): Language.Belonging.Politics. Impacts for a Future of Complex Diversities. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 7–10 (mit Konstanze Jungbluth).
  • (2021) "Ambiguities of space and place. Making sense of the rural/urban divide in interaction". In: Bruna Mancini / Arianna Maiorani (eds.): Space and Place as Human Coordinates: Rethinking Dimensions across Disciplines. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 45–63 (mit Dominik Gerst und Concha Maria Höfler).
  • (2020) "Constructing non-ethnic community belonging on grounds of spatial affiliation: The local adverb aquí in a Guatemalan community". In: Carsten Levisen / Eeva Sippola (eds.): The Pragmatics of Place: Colonial and Postcolonial Perspectives. Journal of Postcolonial Linguistics, 2, pp. 67–84. Download:
  • (2019): "Linguistic Practices. Theoretical approaches and empirical findings." In Mônica Savedra / Telma Pereira / Mario Gaio (eds.): Repertórios plurilíngues em situação de contato. Rio de Janeiro: Edições LCV: LABPEC, pp. 112–118.
  • (2017): "Contando a própria identidade – uma narrativa quilombola como projeto colaborativo". Anais do V Simpósio Mundial de Estudos de Língua Portuguesa. 
  • (2015): Jungbluth, Konstanze/Vallentin, Rita: "Brazilian Portuguese". In Konstanze Jungbluth / Federica da Milano (eds.): Manual of Deixis in Romance Languages. In: Günter Holtus / Fernando Miret Sánchez (eds.): Manual of Romance Linguistics, II. Sachgebiete. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter, pp. 315–331.
  • (2015): "Linguistic Strategies of Constructing Durable and Permeable Ethnic Boundaries in a Brazilian Quilombo Community". In Konstanze Jungbluth / Peter Rosenberg / Dagna Zinkhahn Rhobodes (eds.): Linguistic Construction of Ethnic Borders. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, pp. 33–53.
  • (2013): "Global Studies and Language Use. English(es) in the Academic World(s)". In Gastón Fulquet / Caroline Janz / Asheesh Kumar (eds.): Analyzing Globalization in the 21st Century. New Delhi: Palm Leaf, pp. 29–43.
  • (2012): "Entwurf eines praxeologischen Ansatzes für die empirische Normenforschung". In Katharina Rosenberg  / Rita Vallentin (Hrsg.): Norm und Normalität. Beiträge aus Linguistik, Soziologie, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften. Berlin: Logos, S. 27-41.
  • (2012): "El idioma como práctica social - Construyendo una identidad rural comunitaria amarrada al aquí". Paper written for the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Conference in San Francisco, May 2012. Download:áctica_social_Construyendo_una_identidad_rural_comunitaria_amarrada_al_aquí
  • (2011): “La lengua como práctica social – La influencia de ONGS transnacionales en las prácticas sociales de una comunidad local en Guatemala”. Paper written for the Alfal. Publicación en Actas del XVI Congreso de la Asociación de Lingüística y Filología de la América.
  • (2010): En-gendered linguistic varieties in a project of grassroots-glocalization? A case-study from the Guatemalan highlands. Paper written for the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Conference in Toronto, October 2010. 

Dr. Rita Vallentin


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