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Master of Arts
in European Studies


Welcome to the Master in European Studies homepage!

Studiengangsüberblick Englisch ©Margarethe Attula

Course overview

The Master in European Studies (MES) is a multi-lingual, interdisciplinary, cross-faculty M.A. course at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder). Students acquire a broad, critical view of cultural, political, economic and legal developments in Europe and the European Union.

The course offers instruction in several languages in the four main fields – culture, politics, law and business – at all three Viadrina faculties. Students focus on two of six compulsory optional fields (governing in Europe; European commercial law; migration, ethnicity and ethnocentricity; cities, regions and borders in Europe; culture, history and society in Europe; economic policy in Europe). With a range of main areas of study and optional modules to choose from, students can shape the course to suit their interests and vary the level of interdisciplinarity as preferred.

International profile

Instruction is given mostly in German but also in English, French and Polish. Students are required to study one modern European foreign language. Students with a special interest in languages can work towards a multi-lingual certificate. To strengthen their international profiles, students may complete one semester abroad at one of the over 200 universities cooperating with Viadrina. Students also have the option of applying to take part in the double degree program at Bilgi University in Istanbul, the Institut d’Études Politiques in Strasbourg or the Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza in Poznań.  

Career Prospects

Many of our graduates go on to work for NGOs, national and international education institutions and foundations, cultural and political institutions, European and international companies, in the field of political education, political consulting or at the interface between economics and politics. 

Meet MES alumni here.

For more information in English, please see the MES flyer.

If you have any queries, please contact Ruth Geiger