Vortrag am 22. März 2023 von Prof. Dr. Paul Zalewski in Paris

Zum Thema:"The Reconstruction of Cities in West- and East Germany after World War II. An Interplay of Selective Pasts and Naive Futures" von Prof. Paul Zalewski

22. März 2023, 11.30 Uhr
Université Paris 1, Gallerie Colbert, 2 Rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris

The living circumstances and planning preconditions of urban centers in pre-war Germany (end elsewhere in Europe) were not perceived as good. After the beginning of the national-socialist dictatorship, urban improvements and subsequently big-sized plans became an important demonstration of power. After the extensive war destructions the town planning became even more important, however the new paradigms forced the old elites to change the ideological trajectories in their designs. The reconstruction of German cities is insofar a fascinating theme because it reveals liminal parameters of the post-war momentum.

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