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Master of Arts
in European Studies

Turkish Cultural Policy in the European Context

Ada, Serhan

Turkish Cultural Policy in the European Context

ECTS: 3/6/9
ZB Ku, ZB Po, WPM 1, WPM 5

Öffentlicher Vortrag: Mittwoch, 04.06.2014, 16.00-18.00 Uhr, Ort: HG 109 (Senatssaal im Hauptgebäude)
Seminar: Montag (02.06., 09.06., 16.06., 23.06.), 10.00-13.00 Uhr, Donnerstag (05.06., 12.06., 19.06., 26.06.), 10.00-13.00 Uhr; Ort: Stephanssaal (Postgebäude)

The course aims for students to gain an insight on general mechanisms of European cultural policies and the Turkish Cultural Policy Practice such as their evaluation from 80’s until today, legal framework, linking to democracy, and the role of statistics, cultural industries, creative industries and international cultural cooperation. The course will examine structures of cultural policies in general and Turkish Cultural Policy in particular in terms of broader social, economic and political contexts over the last three or four decades for especially the cases of Turkey and Germany. The course is based on reading of main resources and on interactive discussions in classroom. Students are also expected to prepare group presentations related to the main topics of cultural polices.

Literatur: Ada, S., & İnce, H. A. (Eds.). (2009). Introduction to Cultural Policy in Turkey. İstanbul Bilgi University Press. Ada, S., & Kavala, O. (2011). Turkish Cultural Policy Report: A Civil Perspective. İstanbul Bilgi University Press. National Cultural Policy Report of Turkey. Council of Europe Cultural Policy Review Program. Experts Report: Presentation of the Cultural Policy Review of Turkey. Council of Europe Cultural Policy Review Program. Cultural Statistics for Turkey, 2012. TÜİK (Turkish Statistical Institution).

Eurostat Cultural Statistics, 2011. EUROSTAT.

ConnectCP online database. The international who’s who of cultural policy, planning and research.

Hinweise zur Veranstaltung: This seminar will be in English. Please register on Moodle prior to the first session.

Leistungsnachweis: Anwesenheit und aktive Beteiligung, Referat, Hausarbeit